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Stanley Mows the lawn
Craig Frazier
Picture Book (Series)
Ages 4 to 7
Chronicle Books, 2005, 0-8118-4846-9
 The grass in Stanley’s yard is very tall indeed and the time has come to cut it. So Stanley gets out his mower and gets to work – walking back and forth in straight lines cutting through the tall grass and sending clippings flying. Then Stanley hears something moving in the grass. It is Hank, a little green snake who crosses over the path that Stanley has made in the grass. Seeing the beautiful movements of the snake as it slithers across the path in front of him Stanley gets an idea. Maybe he doesn’t have to mow his yard in straight lines; maybe there is another way to do this job and to produce a lawn that is a little different, an artistic lawn.
  Stanley’s discovery that a mundane job can be turned into something beautiful and interesting is both intriguing and visually attractive. With bold computer coloured illustrations Craig Frazier shows us how are our imagination can inspire us to see beauty all around us and how we are inspired by what we see to create beautiful things.

Stanley Mows the lawn


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